What yoga means to Emma

Yoga with Emma MyWellbeing

What does yoga mean to me…well, like most people, I happened upon yoga as a result of an injury. From a young age, I had problems with my back causing me to be a bit out of balance, which inevitably resulted in damage to my knees. Following surgery, my consultant advised me to take up yoga or Pilates to strengthen my back and knees. I dismissed yoga as no more than a breathing and gentle stretching; opting instead for Pilates, thinking it was less dogmatic and more “body-mechanical”.

I practiced Pilates for three years and liked the thread of yoga elements that my teacher was weaving through the practice. I noticed how I would look forward to her yogic insights as much as I did the new poses. From that point, I decided to tap into the world of yoga, easing myself in gradually, starting with yogalates (mix of yoga and Pilates) then, transitioning into pure yoga.


The move was a revelation for me, as it incorporated the link between body and mind. I gradually starting to think more about how I felt physically in every move on and off my mat and every step I took felt stronger, more connected, more present.

Both Orla and I began our yoga teacher training 6 weeks after I had my daughter, Suzanne, and it was a battle within myself to take on the year long challenge and see it through. I thought that I would struggle – physically and emotionally because, lets face it, post-pregnancy is a tough time! Women (all women) go through a transition that can be harder for some more than others. I was no different. I had low days but those 5 hours every Thursday evening gave something back to me that I never knew was there to lose – an energy, a vitality.

I felt that I had just been introduced to myself …as odd as that sounds … I felt as if I had arrived, I knew myself, who I was, how I felt. I felt alive walking out of that Thursday evening yoga class. Having walked in feeling like a mangled bag of bones, I left feeling like I had just been put back together physically and mentally.

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Yoga has been a friend to me through various physical challenges in my life including pregnancy and all that goes with it. Everyone tells you that it is your sleep that will suffer, but I can tell you now it is a physical endurance test during the late stages of pregnancy and then when they baby arrives and you are bending and lifting etc.

If I could sum up in five words how yoga makes me feel it would have to be strong, confident, connected, content and the one I value the most …happy. Strong physically and emotionally, confident in my skin (which was not always the case, having been a painfully shy child), connected to the energy of the places and people I encounter, content in myself having ambitions but happy with the stages I can control and not worrying about the rest.


Best advice for anyone thinking of taking up yoga is to find a style you like and keep it going   Favourite yoga inspirational quote:

Yoga gives years to your life and life to your years

